Capilano University's Advanced Arts and Entertainment Management Certificate Program opens doorway into dynamic industry

One-year program starting in May has a 90-percent employment rate within the first year of graduation


The program allows grads to work in the music industry, festivals, theatre, arts venues, or live shows and events, or even managing their own artistic career.


Interested in working in the music industry, festivals, theatre, arts venues, or live shows and events, or managing your own artistic career?

Starting in May, Capilano University’s Advanced Arts and Entertainment Management Certificate provides students with the skills, experience and contacts necessary to gain employment in this dynamic industry. This one-year program requires two years of post-secondary training or equivalent work experience and offers a unique blend of course work and practicum experience in the arts and entertainment industry.

The program has a 90-percent employment rate amongst grads in the industry within the first year of graduation. Some may think that job opportunities have decreased during the pandemic, however, there are more jobs than ever.

With all classes delivered online for the summer (with many opportunities for in-person engagement), you'll gain an overview of all aspects of arts and entertainment management, including marketing, resource development, and financial, tour, production, and artist management in both the commercial and nonprofit cultural sectors.

Find all the details here.

Interested to learn more? Capilano U is offering a virtual info session on Tuesday, February 15 at 6 pm. No need to pre-register. Zoom link here

Post sponsored by Capilano University