Théâtre la Seizième hosts French philosophical show Malaise dans la civilisation, March 7 to 9

Presentation with Pi Theatre features four people who encounter improbable situations and mundane accidents

SPONSORED POST BY Théâtre la Seizième

Malaise dans la civilisation. Photo by Julie Artacho


Théâtre la Seizième presents Malaise dans la civilisation with Pi Theatre at the Scotiabank Dance Centre from March 7 to 9 at 7:30 pm. 

Four people enter a theatre. At times fearful, at other times amused, they wander around like tourists, clumsily playing and testing each other under the inquisitive gaze of the audience. This small sample of humanity, tightly knit by improbable situations and mundane accidents, gradually transforms the stage’s empty space into a universe overflowing with possibilities and absurdity.

By creating a strange, playful vivarium of sorts, Alix Dufresne and Étienne Lepage’s acerbic and witty dramaturgy rattles social and theatrical conventions. Living somewhere between performance and philosophical thinkspace, Malaise dans la civilisation reveals exuberant beings flirting with the limits of moral values.

Performances are French with English surtitles, and a bilingual post-show talkback takes place on March 8.

Tickets and more details are available at Théâtre la Seizième.

Post sponsored by Théâtre la Seizième.