Vancouver Chamber Choir's Stories of the Land spotlights Indigenous composers, June 8

World premieres by Andrew Balfour and T. Patrick Carrabré will be performed at UBC’s First Nations Longhouse

SPONSORED POST BY Vancouver Chamber Choir

Composers featured in the Vancouver Chamber Choir’s Stories of the Land.


The Vancouver Chamber Choir is presenting Stories of the Land, a special concert with a lineup consisting entirely of works by Canadian Indigenous composers, at the evocative Sty-Wet-Tan Great Hall at the First Nations Longhouse on the UBC campus.

The performance taking place on June 8 at 7:30 pm will include two world premieres of works commissioned by and written for the Vancouver Chamber Choir, offering unique points of view into Indigenous life, traditions, and land relationships.

The first is by Andrew Balfour, the choir’s composer-in-residence for the 2023-24 season, and the second is T. Patrick Carrabré’s Histoires de Métis, a piece based on texts by Jean Teillet that reflects the history, trials, and vibrant culture of the Métis peoples. The concert will also feature compositions by Sherryl Sewepagaham, Russell Wallace, and Alex Vollant, who is a baritone in the choir. 

For tickets and more details, visit the Vancouver Chamber Choir.

Post sponsored by Vancouver Chamber Choir.