Théâtre la Seizième and The Dance Centre invite audiences to watch We Love Arabs, April 13 to 15

Thought-provoking piece uses combination of dance and theatre to explore political satire

SPONSORED POST BY Théâtre la Seizième

We Love Arabs. Photo by Eli Katz


Théâtre la Seizième presents We Love Arabs in partnership with The Dance Centre, with performances at the Scotiabank Dance Centre April 13-15 at 8 pm. The piece will be presented in English on April 13 and 15, and in French on April 14.

Produced, written, and choreographed by Israel’s Hillel Kogan, We Love Arabs sees an Israeli choreographer full of good intentions (Kogan) choose the only Arab dancer he knows (played by Mourad Bouayad) to create a piece conveying a message of coexistence, brotherhood, and peace.

The choreographer talks for minutes on end, spouting clichés and hackneyed ideas on matters of culture, politics, and religion. The dancer remains silent, while tension inevitably rises. And then the unlikely duo begins to dance: sensual, symbolic, and potentially explosive.

At the crossroads of theatre and dance, We Love Arabs offers audiences a hilarious yet provocative demonstration of complex encounters.

Meet-the-artist talks for the show take place on April 14 in French, and April 15 in English.

Tickets for the show are at Théâtre la Seizième.

Post sponsored by Théâtre la Seizième.